Monday, December 20, 2010
Naughty-or-Nice: Thanks for making this a success!
In a continued effort to keep much of our event practices transparent, and to further encourage dialogue with those who attend our events, we've made a few notes regarding the event.
In taking into consideration feedback and lessons that we learned with our last event, we made efforts to organize the lines a little better this time around. Per many of your request (and the obvious logic they held) we originally set up two lines: one for will-call and another for entry being purchased at the door. Unfortunately, Portland did what it does best and let loose a steady rain that encouraged many of you to seek shelter under the tent, thereby losing the lines and confusing the situation. Despite regulations preventing us from expanding the lines into the street, in an effort to expedite entry and resolve the uncomfortable situation of the rain, we put ourselves on the line and opened another will-call station in the street.
Unfortunately, some of you were not able to make it in to the event. The event was a popular one, and selling out was inevitable. We encourage you to purchase advance tickets to future events. You want to come in and be a part of the events. And we want you there too!
Drinking plenty of water is a good thing! And, boy, did you all drink plenty of it! Next time, there will be more to go around.
We also appreciate your understanding of the necessity of a security pat-down. This ensures your safety and that Red Cube, as well as GBE, are able to continue to offer you quality events in the future.
Thanks again to all of you who came out to make this event such a positive success. We're looking forward to next year, with 2011 already filling up with great shows.
And, as always, we love to hear from you in a constructive manner, whether it be kudos or suggestions. Keep them coming!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Morgan Page. Yeah, you heard us: Morgan Page.
We'll have more information, such as ticket prices and availability, updated soon, so keep checking back here, or "Like" our Facebook Fan Page.
And, in case you've been sleeping under a rock somewhere and managed to miss this, here's the video of Deadmau5's remix of The Longest Road:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sir Kutz brings the noise!
Monday, November 29, 2010
You like us? We like you!
If you Like our fan page, you'll automatically be given the opportunity to win one of five free tickets that we'll be giving out on a monthly basis. At the end of each month, we'll draw five random names from the list of fans on our fan page, and announce them at the beginning of the following month! So get your tookus on over to the Red Cube fan page and show us how much you care!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mark Knight and a DJ with a walker.
We here at Red Cube HQ hope that you all come out to celebrate another year in the already too-many-to-count of Jamie's life, at Whiskey Bar on January 22nd, of 2011. Confirmed sets, in order of appearance: Evan Alexander, Jamie Meushaw, and the much laudable Mark Knight.
And a little teaser for your eyes and ears...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Lines can be such a hassle…
As many of you know, Aura is well-known as being more of a mainstream venue, and so are used to dealing with a different sort of crowd than all you easy going, fun-loving folk that we are thankful to have as a part of this scene. We'd like to acknowledge that some of you were required to wait unnecessarily for re-entry to the club, and ensure you that this is something that will be changed in the future. Similarly, we plan on working with our new friends at Aura in ensuring that your experience at future events there will be as positive as possible.
We'd also like to remind you that this scene of ours is a family, and like any great family, communication is key. If ever you have feedback that you'd like to send our way in a constructive, positive manner, we always love to hear it. As this blog is one of our means of communicating with you, we appreciate you taking the time to communicate with us
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A good song
I was showing friends of mine this song, and getting pretty awesome responses. Thought you all would dig it as well.
Wolfgang Gartner - Illmerica
A little background on Wolfgang Gartner. He started out as a deep house DJ earning respect with his real name, Joey Youngman. He anonymously created the alias Wolfgang Gartner in 2007 as not to be criticized for making such an abrubt switch in musical style.
A total of eight of his songs have held the #1 position on beatport top 10 charts at various times.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Bloody Beetroots Wednesday Nov 3rd @ Roseland!

Later today, technically.
These two are coming to rain terror at the Roseland with their Death Crew 77 - Tour.
They've got a hard electro sound that rocks any venue they play.
One of my favorite remixes by the duo:
Can you not kick ass if you wear Venom masks at every show you perform?...
... apparently not.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween!

For those of you heading up to Freaknight, I've got a dark, moody song appropriate for this gloomy holiday to get you pumped up during your roadtrip.
Pedro Del Mar feat. Ridgewalkers - Tears of the Dragon (Mike Foyle Remix)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Butt-Cut of the week!

If you look up butt-cut on urban dictionary this is what you find:
1. Butt-Cut
The hair-do that involves parting the hair down the middle of ones head
Mike used to part his hair on one side but he decided a change was in order and now has a Butt-cut
In my reality, on the other hand, a Butt-Cut refers to a cut(aka song). A song so outta control that it rocks your ass off your legs, hard, and into another realm of existence. Or in this case your butt.
I heard this song a couple different times listening to various podcasts, and I just had to put it up here. Its been getting a lot of airtime lately, probably because it's a butt-cut.
Aruna & Mark Eteson - Let Go
.... Oh wait!
I just heard another cut while I was finishing this that I can't possibly leave without sharing.
Its called Jinxed, by Ticon
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Anyway just look at the lineup I don't think I have to tell you how awesome its going to be. Gareth emery, Infected Mushroom, Nero... who else could they possibly get to go? oh whats that? Lil John's going to be playing? That's hilarious! and also totally awesome. I think the theme is kind of like if you imagined the bad guy from the Saw movies, and Marilyn Manson getting together and putting on a crazy circus, and they both happened to like electronic music a lot. Kinda like that. Sounds like a good time to me. Check out the website for more info. They will be putting on a crazy ass show for you, not to mention with the people there you will see some outrageous unplanned stuff I'm sure.
DJ SideStep and Gabe Driscoll also throwin down up there. Go show em some love!
Monday, October 18, 2010

This is gonna be mental.
Saturday, October 23rd, at our new warehouse venue, its goin down.
Headliners include Cristopher Lawrence, Donald Glaude, our own Gabriel Droscoll and Jamie Meushaw, and a ton of others
Address is :
517 N Tillamook
Portland, OR
Doors open at 8:00 PM
Get your advanced tickets here:
See you all there!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Interview with RC's DJ Gabriel Driscoll
First off, hope everyone had fun @ the legendary Paul Oakenfold show last night.
Earlier this year I had the privelidge of sitting down with Redcube DJ Gabe Driscoll. His DJ career is on an upward swing and has moved even more since I sat down with him and chatted. Apologies for the outdated interview, it took a bit for the blog to get up and running, but either way you here it first from the man himself.
Currently you can find him playing every Thursday @ Couture, and Saturdays @ Aura's Fez VIP room.
I really appreciate what he's doing for the club scene in portland, holding down two residencies and keeping good dance music alive. If you see this man on the street give him a hug, dammit!

My first experience hearing Gabe was back a couple years ago when I was a working at Envy. He and Andrew Gonzolas were playing their progressive house set in the side room, and I was so excited to hear something other than top 40 (no offense top 40 fans) while I was working. Driscoll was the first person to introduce Deadmau5 to me that night during his set when he played 'Faxing Berlin,' and I was psyched. I've stayed in contact with Gabe ever since and am so pumped to see how far he's come in the portland music scene. Without further ado here's what we had to talk about...
RC: What was your music experience growing up and when were you first introduced to electronic music?
GD: I have always loved music and had a broad variety of musical influences throughout my life. My parents grew up in San Francisco in the 60's and 70's, so when I was young it was all about classic rock, blues and folk music. As I grew older I listened to punk, metal, alternative rock, reggae, classical, hip hop and basically anything else I could get my hands on. I started going to concerts at an early age and was always amazed at the energy that could be created at live shows. I think it was about 1994 or '95, when I was first introduced to electronic music. Some friends of mine who went to raves regularly took me along, I was 14-15 years old and had heard of raves but had no idea about the music that was played there or the culture that surrounded it. I was instantly hooked and I started going to underground parties in Portland and up and down the west coast . I eventually stopped going to underground shows as I got older but have always kept up with the music and now enjoy going to clubs more and seeking out epic events around the world!
RC: What Djs would you say influenced you?
GD: DJ Dan, Donald Glaude, Above and Beyond, Paul Van Dyk, Tiesto, Armin... I mean there's so many great DJ's out there, I could go on and on. For me, I listen to a lot of different djs and producers, and I am influenced by all of them.
RC: When did you start Ding and would you say part of your mission is to expand peoples awareness of electronic music
GD: I started Djing back in the late 90's with a close friend of mine DJ Wiggles. As for expanding the awareness of the music for sure. When I started djing professionally I was working with Liquid productions who at the time were the main Top 40/Hip hop club promoters in town and I would play in the second rooms at Portlands hottest mainstream clubs like H20, Bettie Fords and Solo ect. We were trying to bring electronic music into the club scene, and expand the audience to people who may not enjoy going to raves or underground clubs but still had a love for the music. For 3-4 Years we hit it hard and had many amazing packed nights that turned a lot of new people on to the music.
RC: It seems that Portland has a smaller dance music scene than what you would find in larger metropolis, would you say there is hope in the future for dance music in Portland?
GD: Yea I think there is. Portland's population will continue to grow and if club owners and promoters continue to organize top quality events the opportunity to bring more talent and bigger shows will increase. From what I have heard and seen the all ages raves and underground shows have been packing out and with Red Cube and The Whiskey Bar in full swing they are bringing top headliners from around the world on a consistent basis which is all good indicators that the scene will continue to grow. Very exciting times.
RC: So when you're Djing, whats the relationship you try to have between you and the crowd
GD: I try to feed off their energy and give it back to them. I believe the best Djs have an ability to read the crowd, and are able to adapt what they play to fit the setting. Its not easy but what I try to do is connect with the audience and give them what they want while still playing music that I love and that fits my style. The best nights are when the crowd really gets into it and are ready to party all night. As a DJ, you really wanna pay attention to the crowd and see what they react to. They can give you energy, and you can feed it right back to them with your attitude, stage presence and the music you play. The give and take is really an amazing thing and one of the main reasons I love to DJ.
RC: I know you went to WMC a couple years ago, how was that?
GD: It was amazing. It was the ten year anniversary so there were some really special events and performances that took place. Every once in a while an event will really open my eyes to a whole different level of the scene. When you live in Portland, you don't get the same experience as other bigger cities. For example if you live in Miami, LA, or Chicago there are multiple clubs that bring headliners every weekend. This gives the scene a home and stuff is blowing up all the time. In Miami for WMC and Ultra fest you get people from all over the world, that come together for the love of dance music. Every club owner, DJ. Promoter, clubber and anyone else involved in the industry come together for a week to hold seminars, show new products, network and party at some of the best clubs in the world. Pool parties go all day and the clubs go all night. All of that set on the white sandy beaches of South Beach is something everyone needs to experience.
RC: What specific genres are you're listening to right now.
GD: I listen to a bit of everything but my favorite genres are progressive house and trance. I also like to play tech, house and elecrto too. It just all depends on the night, the venue and the crowd.
RC: How do you find your tracks and for people who are just getting into the music, and might know who know the big guys like Tiesto are, but don't really know where else to find music, do you have advice for them?
GD: I would say the best way to get educated on a broad variety of music would be check out online record stores like beatport or trackitdown and just listen to all the different genres and see what you like. Also iTunes pod-casts, DJ publications, websites, blogs and satellite radio shows are a good way to hear a lot of the newest tracks.
RC: Can you remember your first live performance?
GD: I can't remember exactly what show it was but I know I was put on first at a rave thrown by my good friend Dj wiggles back in the late 90s. He is another very talented Dj/promoter from Portland.
RC: Where do u see yourself in the next few years?
GD: Hopefully traveling more and continuing to do what I love. I am getting into music production and although it is going to take me a long time to get where I want to be with it, that is the end game for me. Traveling to DJ and producing my own tracks while collaborating with other musicians and vocalists from all over the world would be a dream come true.
RC: What do you use to play with live?
GD: Sometimes I use Serato scratch live but prefer to use Pioneer CDJ 2000s or 1000mk3s with a Pioneer Djm 800 mixer.
RC: Do you have any pre or post show rituals?
GD: No specific rituals on the day of a show or before I play but anytime I get a booking I just make sure to put a lot of thought and pre planning into the gig. I do a ton of research on tracks and I develop a sound that I think will work well for the time slot. I will try my best to match the genres of the other djs playing that night. I try to imagine myself in the club and pick music that fits the vibe i'm trying to create and then adapt on the fly.
RC:What do you use to record your mixes?
GD:I use 2 Pioneer CDJ 1000mk3s and a Pioneer DJM 800 mixer to mix. I have a Motu 828 audio interface that sends the signal to my computer via fire-wire and I record with Sound Forge software
RC: What would you say goes into making a demo/mix that people can download, versus playing live?
GD: With demos its hard to recreate the same energy as a live show so for example, a lot of my mixes/demos might end up a little more chill and Ill let the tracks play longer since there is no crowd to keep moving. Also you have a lot more time to pre plan/program and edit your mixes if you choose with demos. Most of my mixes I still do with very little pre programming and post editing though to keep it as much like a live set as possible. Live sets on the other hand I rarely pre program mixes and there is crowd interaction and venue ambiance that can totally influence how the set will be. I do a lot quicker mixing to keep the crowd moving and use sampling and effects more as well.
RC: For people who are just getting into your music, and want to hear more of your mixes where can they find them?
GD: All my contact info and links can be found at I have a soundcloud account which posts new mixes directly to my facebook and I also have a podcast on Itunes that people can subscribe to for free. Every time I post a new mix on itunes subscribers will automatically have it downloaded to their computer. Right now I'm doing the podcast once a month but eventually want do 2 or 3 mixes a month and include guest mixes from other djs.
RC: Any last thoughts for the readers?
GD: If you live in Portland and you love electronic music I hope to see you on the dance floor.
RC: Word
There is no doubt this guy is going places in the music world, I sense I'll be doing a 2nd interview with him in the not too distant future. Check out Gabriel Driscoll on Facebook or at You can find his mixes posted there. And if you have Itunes, be sure to subscribe to his monthly podcast.
If you like his mixes, keep posted and come check him out live, its a whole different experience
One last note, word on the street is he'll be playing at Freaknight 2010, which is a HUUUUGE show, along with our own DJ Sidestep and other PDX favorites
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Ferry Corsten @ whiskey bar, Wed, Oct 6
Thursday @ Trinity, Seattle, WA. Capacity 1000
Friday @ Gossip, Vancouver, BC. Capacity 800+
Saturday @ Shaw Event Center, Edmonton, ON. Capacity 5000
Sunday @ Flames Centeral, Calgary AB. Capacity 800+
Wednesday @ Reliv, Detroit, MI. Capacity 1200
Not to mention, Ferry's productions are among my favorite of all the Top DJs. Usually I enjoy the top dog's DJ sets much more than their personal hits, usually they're too poppy for me to really dig. But Ferry has always blown my mind with his productions. Here are some of my top Fav's. Seriously, listen to a couple of these, they rock balls.
We Belong (my favorite!)
(sick video as well)
Rock your body
Alright that's all I got, see you at the show!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Mix Master Mike TOMORROW @ whiskey bar

On a separate note, My song for the week for you to check out is Ayla - "Ayla 2010" (Jerome Isma-Ae remix).
The original song, Ayla, was one of the first techno/trance songs I'd heard since getting introduced into the genre. Back when Napster first came out and the only way I knew to find dance music was by putting "RAVE" or "TECHNO" into the search engine, this was one of the tracks I burned onto my first Trance CD. I'm sure many of you all were raving back in the day to this song. So its always cool to hear an old classic redone.
The remix is done by one of my favorite progressive house producers, and he does a great job at updating an old classic to today's progressive sound. He also adds a dark mood to it that's original to his style.
That's all I got. Check it out. Till then, SEE YOU TOMORROW!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Paul Oakenfold Wed Oct 13th @ roseland

Get tickets here:
This is going to be epic. Paul Oakenfold was the first electronic DJ I started to worship when getting involved in the genre. His live sets around '99-'02 were absolutely legendary. My personal favorite, Live @ gatecrasher 1999, is an absolute classic of live trance sets.
check out a sample:
In the late 80's Oakenfold visited Ibiza and was partially responsible for bringing that style of dance music to the mainstream club scene in London. Ever since he's been a pioneer in electronic music, and probably one of the most influential over his career.
He now has a residency in Las Vegas and hosts some of the biggest DJ's in the world to play along side him.
Get ready cause this is going to be huge!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Robbie Rivera Confirmed!
OK so more exciting news, Robbie Rivera is coming to town! He is THE house music badass and he'll be playing at Aura, Friday, October 1st. Mark it in your calendars and get there cause its going to be a spleen rupturing show!
Friday, August 6, 2010
First off, I wanna say last night ROCKED. It was officially my first full on Dubstep show, and my face was well melted by 2:00am. Nero Brought it hard. Not only are they an amazing producers and remixers, but as a Dj he did an amazing job as well. He blasted song after song that kept the crowd hooked, there wasn't a single moment of lull in his set. He even through in some electro house! Which I'm pretty sure he was playing for me personally, he just knew somehow ;) At the end of the night there was definitely a shoe on the stage, which can only mean that during a Nero set, clothes and belongings become obsolete. So Dubstep fans, if you have the sudden urge to take off your garments in a moment of inspiration while being rocked on by a DJ, I'm here to tell you that its OK. Hopefully I can get my hands on some pics in the next few hours and throw em up for you guys. Thanks for coming out to the show everyone it was most crazy
If last night wasn't enough for you or if you didn't make it out, today is Bri's offical birthday party! Come out to whiskey, its free all night! And we've got some of our best local Djs throwing down.
Make sure to buy her a shot of tequila when you see her. Hornitos, Cazadores, or Patron!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just a friendly reminder, if you dig the D&B and Dubstep scene, these guys are here tomorrow!
Here's a post from an electronic music blog I frequent on the duo's ongoing tour:
"Nero has just kicked off a north american tour that nobody should miss out on. I had the pleasure of seeing their first ever US show and it was insanely CRUNCHY. These guys have a skill for unleashing a tsunami of BASSS that sounds clean. Do what you must do in order to get to any of these shows. "
RedCube out!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
We've got some upcoming stuff to blow your mind. First off, for all our Dubstep and D&B lovers out there, NERO is coming to the whiskey bar this Thursday. C
This Friday is Bri's Birthday!!!
If you don't know who Bri is ya betta REKOGNIZE! She's only the official redcube blonde bombshell, duh. So come out and party with her and jam out to special Birthday bash sets from Sidestep, Imade, and Pheonix Knight.If your not too hungover to party saturday as well there's a RED party going on down at the whiskey, only $5 cover all night. We've got our local DJs Gabriel Driscoll, Andrew Gonzales, and Johnny Monsoon throwin down all night.

Beastie Boys very own Mixmaster Mike is coming to the Whiskey bar August 27th!
Drum & Bass and Dubstep producer, Rusko, from the UK is comming to the Roseland Theater to jam alongside french producer Vitalic. This is going to be a massive one, so mark it down in your calendar, Thursday, September 30th

Now for the announcement I'm most excited about...
Ferry Corsten is coming to the Whiskey Bar Wednesday, October 6th. This is going to be massive, kids! Ferry Corsten is ranked #8 DJ in the world by TheDJList and #7 by DJMag. Rarely can he be found playing to a venue as intimately sized as the Whiksey Bar, so this is a special occasion for us Portland electronic fans. Get your tickets early because this will sell out.
Alright thats all for now, keep posted I'll have more dance candy coming soon, but for now this should keep your calendars busy